PEPFAR Kenya's Stories of Hope

your stories tell our story

20 faces of 20 years of impact

Meet our Heroes of Hope

To celebrate the larger story of PEPFAR’s impact in Kenya, the U.S. Embassy is highlighting twenty extraordinary Kenyans whose lives have been forever changed.

Each story represents a person, a family, and a community impacted by our investment, and there are countless more stories of hope in Kenya, thanks to the US Government's partnership with the Government of Kenya and other partners, through PEPFAR. We honor these Heroes of Hope, and the millions more they represent. Their stories inspire us, and we are confident they will serve as an inspiration to you too…

  • stories of Kenyans like Edna, living a productive life with an undetectable viral load – running her own business, mentoring young people, courageously counseling neighbors to continue their vital anti-retroviral treatment, and raising and educating three strong daughters to lead healthy lives…

  • stories of Kenyans like Dan, who has remained HIV negative with the help of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, who has been a faithful companion and friend to his HIV positive girlfriend, and who has become an activist for PrEP, promoting sound decision-making among youth in his community…

  • stories of Kenyans like Alice, who was supported to prevent transmitting HIV to her children during pregnancy and breastfeeding, spending the last decade counseling hundreds of other mothers in prevention-of-mother-to-child- transmission methods, to share the incomparable gift of healthy babies…

  • stories of Kenyans like Joyce, who has bravely overcome gender-based violence, and is socially, educationally, and economically empowered to be more resilient as she leads her community and champions the rights of the vulnerable…

  • stories of providers like Dr. Isaac, who has been a partner for two decades, dedicating his life’s work to rewriting the stories of pediatric HIV patients like Joyline and Aron – both of whom now work for the very programs that altered the course of their lives, giving the gift of hope to others…

  • stories of Kenyans like Dorine and Francis, who demonstrate that with well managed HIV status disclosure, facilitated adherence to ARVs, and consistent psychosocial support, persons living with HIV are empowered to prevent HIV transmission to their loved ones and to lead vibrant lives...

  • and stories of Kenyans like Angel, who inspires us with courage and fierce determination beyond her years and circumstances, giving hope for an AIDS-free generation in Kenya, and reminding all of us that we can do anything we set our minds to.

- Watch this space -

We will release 1 story per day over 20 days

from November 11-30, 2023

as we count down to World AIDS Day, 2023.

As of Dec. 1st, all 20 stories will be gathered here,

to mark 20 years of partnership and shared hope in Kenya, through PEPFAR.